re: "Bonde" Jokes from Karl Strickland

Kayvan Sylvan (
Tue, 30 May 95 22:07 PDT

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric Conrad <> writes:

>> Well, Karl, that's one way of removing your ID from the BUGTRAQ
>> mailing-list, i.e., off-topic postings.

Eric> Hasn't it ocurred to anyone that a really simple denial of service 
Eric> attack vs. bugtraq would be to send fakemail nonsense 'from' known 
Eric> security folks to bugtraq?  

The SmartList-3.10 code (based on top of procmail-3.10) has some nice
features that could be used to get around this kind of nonesense. In
particular, you can automatically check various headers for
consistency and only allow Email to be sent to the list from


"The trust and respect of a child is an honor to be earned, not demanded."
Kayvan Sylvan         | Sylvan Associates           | Proud Dad of:
kayvan@Sylvan.COM     |  | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89)
(408) 978-1407 PGP OK | Ask me about Avatar.        | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)